Saturday, 3 December 2011

Chapter One: Introductions

Four black SUV’s approached the gate of an old abandoned factory on the outskirts Moscow. A man wearing black and white camouflage pants and a black shirt with a Kevlar vest stepped out of the lead vehicle and unlocked it. He quickly opened it up and let the vehicles drive past him and toward the entrance of the factory before closing it behind them and jogging back to the convoy. The factory was abandoned and appeared to have been for many years. Two decades in fact. The factory and land it was built on was owned by a very wealthy Russian family called the Andreev’s. The factory was very large and estimated to be the size of a Football field. The land itself was three times this size and located twenty kilometres away from a small town called Dubrovitsy. It was a nice secluded place.
The SUV’s pulled up outside the entrance to the factory where they were greeted by two men in what appeared to be a military uniform, only these uniforms were in support of an Ultranationalist government. They approached the second vehicle and opened the rear passenger door to reveal a middle aged man in a nice dark grey suit. The man had his hair slicked back and wore sunglasses so he didn’t have to look directly at other people. He stepped out of the car and walked quickly into the factory where he was greeted by a tall, strong looking man wearing a leather trench coat over his military uniform. The slick man in the suit buttoned up his jacket and scoffed as he stood before the other man. He looked into the soldier’s eyes and stared at the scar that cut down the left side of his face from his forehead to chin, another scar crossed over it which started at the side of his nose and ended at his ear, making a cross on the left side of his face. This scarred man, was Colonel Viktor Petrov. The slick man was Alexei Andreev, one of the richest men in Russia and a man who has great influence with politicians in the Russian Government. The two seemed displeased to be meeting and then began to speak in their native tongue.

Alexei Andreev: You have SOME nerve dragging me out to this....... hell hole, Colonel. I was supposed to be meeting with Minister Dima for lunch today.

Colonel Petrov: Save me your sob story Alexei. For one, it isn’t sad, and second, I have no sympathy for you...

The two glared at each other for a moment and then both smirked and started to laugh. Alexei took off his sunglasses and put them inside his jacket pocket before going up to the colonel and giving him a masculine hug.

Colonel Petrov: Welcome cousin, it has been too long!

Alexei Andreev: I’m sorry cousin. I’ve been travelling back and forth from America the past few months. I believe I have found someone who can aid our cause.

Colonel Petrov: Excellent! Come; let me show you something...

The two men walked down the office halls of the factory and looked out to the work floor to see hundreds of armoured vehicles and weapons. Colonel Petrov gave a sinister smile as he looked out at his loyal followers down below. They were former soldiers who left the military when the Colonel did many years ago and are willing to follow him into hell and back.

Colonel Petrov: These men are committed to our cause and will do ANYTHING to ensure that we succeed. I have fought and bled alongside each and every one of these men..... But that is not what I wanted to show you. Alexei, do you remember Major Sergey?

Alexei Andreev: Yes! We fought together in the closing years of the Soviet War in Afghanistan. The man saved my life more times than I care to mention!

Colonel Petrov nodded to Alexei and then led him to an office that appeared to be empty. It had old pieces of paper scattered on the floor and the windows looking out were all either dirty or broken. As Alexei entered he noticed two armed soldiers inside the large office and another man tied to a chair in the centre of the room. The prisoner appeared to be resting after a vicious beating as he was leaning forward and blood was dripping to the floor from his face.

Colonel Petrov: Alexei, say hello to Major Sergey!

Alexei stood in awe at the sight of the tortured Major. One of the soldiers picked up a bucket full of water and threw it on the prisoner. He woke up with a shock and began panting frantically. The Major tried to break his binds but failed and started to panic. It wasn’t until one of the guards smacked him in the stomach with the butt of a rifle that he started to cry and beg for his life.

Alexei Andreev: Viktor! What are you doing?! This man is our friend and a loyal ally!

Colonel Petrov: No Alexei, he WAS our friend. Sergey has spent the last five years supplying the British with information about our cause. I discovered this over a year ago, and ever since, I have done my best to keep him out of the loop and feed him false information to throw the British off our path!

Alexei Andreev: ..... This can’t be true..... Sergey! Tell me it isn’t true!

Colonel Petrov then nodded to one of the guards and was handed a black folder that was labelled ‘Alexei Andreev’. Petrov handed the file to Alexei with a smirk on his face and watched as he flicked through it.

Colonel Petrov: Sergey has been gathering intelligence on all of us and giving it to the British. It seems though, that they have shown great interest in you.... Cousin.

Alexei Andreev: My entire life is in this folder..... My family..... You son of a bitch! How dare you involve my family in this Sergey!

Colonel Petrov: You see, Alexei, we have to be more than careful when it comes to achieving our goals. We can’t afford to have rats like Sergey spoil what we have been planning for the past five years. What we are doing will change Russia, and the world, as we know it! But, in order to reach our goals, sacrifices must be made for the greater good. I need to know that you are willing to do whatever it takes to help us succeed.

Alexei Andreev: You know I am committed to the cause!

Colonel Petrov: Are you? Sergey made the same statement even though he was betraying us. You’ve had it very easy up until now Alexei. It is time to prove yourself...

Colonel Petrov took a pistol out of his shoulder holster and held it out to Alexei. Alexei stared at the sidearm for a moment and then looked at Sergey. He was a whimpering mess and Alexei somewhat felt sorry for him even after discovering that he had betrayed all of them. But Sergey had crossed the line by involving Alexei and personally betraying him, even after everything they had been through. Alexei took a deep breath and grabbed the gun from Petrov. Petrov stepped away and stood to the right of Sergey as Alexei aimed the gun at the Major’s head. Sergey started to beg again and whimpered as Alexei took a step closer to him.

Alexei Andreev: ..... You named me....

Alexei pulled the trigger and Sergey cried out. Petrov scoffed to himself and then started to slowly applaud. Alexei as surprised as the gun didn’t go off and merely clicked when he pulled the trigger. He examined the weapon and checked the magazine; to his surprise it wasn’t loaded. Sergey hung his head in relief and began to weep all over his legs.

Colonel Petrov: I am sorry to trick you like that Alexei. I do not doubt your resolve at all. But I did need to know that you are willing to kill even one of your closest friends to ensure our success. And also...

Petrov walked up behind Sergey and pulled him back in the seat. He held his head back, exposing his neck, and then took out a knife. Alexei watched as Petrov swiftly slit Sergey’s throat and the Major’s blood spilled out onto the floor. Sergey gurgled and slowly bled out while the Colonel wiped his knife on the dying man’s shirt and put it away.

Colonel Petrov: .... I REALLY wanted to kill this man!

The two guards walked up to Sergey and took off his restraints and dragged his body out of the office leaving Petrov and Alexei alone.

Colonel Petrov: Now, Alexei, I need you to go back to Moscow and keep up appearances. You spoke of somebody who can aid our cause earlier. I am guessing that this man is an American?

Alexei Andreev: Yes.... He is a mercenary of sorts. According to my intelligence he will be able to help us get the weapons and gear into the United States without being noticed. He is also partners with a bomb maker who will be willing to assist us in preparing the distributors for the Anthrax.

Colonel Petrov: Excellent! Everything is coming together. We will send a strong message with this attack, Cousin....

Major John Michaels, aka ‘Zeus’, stood alone in the office of Colonel Timothy Stone, the Commander of Titan Unit, and was taking notice of a news report that was playing on the Colonel’s television. The reporter was a young British man standing on the roof of a building in Moscow with a view of the city.

Reporter: Thank you Wendy. I’m coming to you live right now from Moscow, the heart of the ‘Ultranationalist’ movement and the place where many believe that a violent reshaping of the Russian Government is going to take place. Over the growing months, the Ultranationalist party has been trying desperately to win over the Russian people by trying to offer them ‘a better Russia’. For those who don’t know, the Ultranationalists are a revolutionary political party within the government who believe that the country should return to the way it was during the days of the Soviet Union. These views have caused much tension between the Ultranationalists and the Russian Federation as party leader, Dima Vorshevsky released a statement saying “the Russian Federation does not have the best interests of the Russian people at heart! By siding with western interests, both philosophically and economically, they are weakening our great state.” The world can now do nothing but watch as a new Russian Civil War prepares to kick off.

Colonel Stone: The hell we can’t!

Michaels turned his attention to the door and noticed that Stone had just arrived. Stone was middle-aged and well known in the military. The Colonel was known for his daring acts and favourable disregard for the rules; this made him one hell of an Operator. Stone had spent his entire adult life in the military and made his career working as a Delta Force Operator until he decided to accept a promotion and take command of Delta Force for ten years. For the past six years he has been commanding Titan Unit and gained the respect of every single member of the unit. Stone reached out and greeted Michaels with a strong handshake then made his way behind his desk and took a seat.

Colonel Stone: I trust you got plenty of rest and relaxation while you were on leave, Major?

Major Michaels: I did indeed sir. Took the family to Hawaii and switched off for a few weeks.

Colonel Stone: Well that’s good to hear Michaels. Although, I must admit, you and your team have been missed around here. But we can catch up and make small talk later Major. Right now we need to get you and your team prepped and ready for your next assignment. There are just a few details that we need to touch on first.

Major Michaels: Such as, sir?

Colonel Stone: Your team, Major. Let’s start off with your members who have been on medical leave. During your last mission your team was severely crippled due to Priest and Killjoy being injured during the operation to take out the high-value target, codename ‘Blackburn’. Priest sustained an injury to his abdomen halfway through the operation, in which he took a bullet while rescuing Killjoy and Spartan. The medical report states that the bullet passed right through him but the injury was worsened due to the strain that was put on his body during the escape. The report goes on to say that his right kidney was damaged but repaired and he suffered massive blood loss. This resulted in him spending the past six months in rehabilitation to be deemed mission worthy.

Major Michaels: And has he been cleared sir?

Colonel Stone: He has indeed. So that is one less issue that needs resolving. Now on to my actual dilemma! Killjoy has been undergoing psychiatric evaluations and tests while on leave due to the nature of his capture. He was interrogated, tortured and witnessed one of his teammates being murdered in front of him. Now according to the results he is fit and ready to go. But I want your opinion before I clear him.

Major Michaels: Colonel, if you’re asking me whether or not I trust Carter after what happened in Afghanistan, then I would have to respond by saying that out of everyone in Alpha Team, I expect him to pull through and secure his issues without hesitation. I trust everyone in my team sir, and Carter has honestly been through far more brutal things in his life. This doesn’t change the way I see him sir.

Colonel Stone: Alright Major, good to know. Now, while we are on the matter, I know you were debriefed when you arrived back stateside but there is something I need to ask you. Off the record. Did you and your team get out clean?

Major Michaels: As far as I can tell we did. Carter mentioned that Akil had documents and information on him and Sergeant Wilson. Whether or not he had information on all of Alpha Team or Titan Unit, I’m not sure. But whatever evidence there was that we had been at the site was destroyed when the AC-130 that was providing air-cover circled back after we were extracted and fired on the compound. The remains of the compound were buried beneath a rockslide caused by the ordinance. According to Carter, the information that Akil had was very precise. Do we know where he obtained it?

Colonel Stone: No we don’t, and that’s what concerns me. The CIA has been looking into Akil’s movements for the past three years and come up with nothing. Apparently though, he has two brothers.

Major Michaels: Are they a threat?

Colonel Stone: Langley’s looking into it but that investigation has been going on for the past four months and we haven’t heard a damn thing! So whether or not we actual will hear anything is a mystery in itself.

Major Michaels: So what’s the situation in Russia sir? Are we going in?

Colonel Stone: We’ll get to that shortly. But right now we need to discuss the empty slot in your team. Four months ago I came to you with twelve possible candidates who could fill Sergeant Wilson’s position. You then turned down all of them and then came back with your own candidate. Sergeant First Class Benjamin Rider, correct?

Major Michaels: That’s correct.

Stone smirked at Michaels and then stood up. He led Michaels to the door and the two began walking through the halls of the base.

Colonel Stone: As you’re aware, Major, Titan Unit protocol states that a team cannot be sent into the field without having all of its members operational. This means that Alpha Team can’t be sent out until we find a replacement for Sergeant Wilson. So tell me why exactly you nominated Rider for Alpha Team.

Major Michaels: The kid is an excellent soldier. He’s currently in Delta Force serving alongside Panther, Dusty and Vegas in the Wolf Pack. As I’m sure you remember, Colonel, I was once in that unit. Both Panther and Dusty personally recommended him for Alpha Team I might add. According to them he would fit right in.

Colonel Stone: I have no doubt, Major.

The two stopped outside of a door and waited while the Colonel took out a cigarette and then lighted it. Michaels always admired the Colonel’s disregard for the rules and his determination to do whatever the hell he wanted. He puffed on the cigarette for a moment then finally opened the door and revealed a young man standing by the window.

Colonel Stone: Major Michaels, meet Sergeant First Class Benjamin Rider.

Michaels was surprised by Rider’s presence, but then again he wasn’t surprised that Stone had played him the way he did. Rider stepped toward them and shook Michaels’ hand, then stood with his hands behind his back.

Rider: It’s an honour to be here sir. I can’t thank you enough for considering me for this unit.

Colonel Stone: Well now, I’ll let you two get acquainted. Major? The rest of your team are in the mess hall and you have a briefing in one hour.

Michaels looked at the young Operator standing before him and saw a splitting image of his younger self. The Major smiled to himself and thought, “This is gonna be one hell of a ride.

The mess hall was shaking due as music blared from the large stereo that docked Priest’s iPod. The four Titans were the only ones in the hall, which is how they managed to get away with having the music so loud. Midnight was sipping away at a bottle of water and sitting on a table watching Priest and Killjoy duke it out in an epic arm wrestle. Stryder stood over them with his arms crossed and smirked as Killjoy finally gained an advantage and slammed Priest’s arm down on the table. Midnight applauded and cheered loudly as Priest massaged his forearm and turned his cap around the right way to hide his face. Stryder and Killjoy bumped fists while Midnight mockingly imitated Priest’s defeat in a more ‘epic’ style –falling to the ground and begging for mercy- which surprisingly made the latter laugh. After Midnight finally got off the ground he walked over to his bag and took out a hard covered book titled, ‘The Play Book’. As he did so, a full pack of cigarettes fell out of his bag and made the other three guys nag at him.

Priest: Seriously bro? I thought you quit?

Killjoy: Come on Midnight. Don’t give in to the demon!

Midnight: I’m not smoking again okay! I just like to have them with me. It’s like that ring that Stryder carries with him all the time.

Stryder: Sure, if that pack of smokes belonged to your nephew who has cancer and gave it to you so you would be safe.

Midnight: Okay maybe it’s not exactly the same. But it does make me feel better knowing that they’re there!

The three accepted this and realised that it was fair enough as they all had tokens they held on to for comfort. Stryder realised finally how loud the music was when two young female officers entered the mess hall and then shook their heads and walked back out. He sighed and then turned it down.

Midnight: On a more interesting note my children, I have come into possession of this outstanding book! It is called ‘The Play Book’ and I personally think that Killjoy here could gain a lot from it.

Killjoy: Okay I’m listening...

Midnight: The book is a very successful guide on how to get laid! Now you’re a beginner when it comes to sex, so we should start you with something simple like the-

Killjoy: Let me stop you right there hotshot. I have no intention, whatsoever, of reading that book. Mainly because I’m getting laid more than you, but also because I just proposed to Sasha.

Stryder: You finally did it huh? ‘Bout damn time!

The group congratulated Killjoy on his engagement and listened to his retelling of the previous night. It wasn’t until he had finished the story that they realised that Michaels and Rider were in the hall and listening also.

Major Michaels: Sounds like an amazing night, Killjoy.

The team got to their feet and welcomed Michaels back. It was the first time they had seen him in months and they were damn happy to see him back.

Major Michaels: It’s good to be back boys. And I come bearing gifts. Alpha Team, say hello to Sergeant Rider, our new number six. Rider.... this is Alpha Team.

The team greeted him with an assortment of nods and salutes before Priest finally turned off the stereo and allowed Michaels to introduce Rider to the team properly.

Major Michaels: Alright, this is Midnight, Priest, Killjoy and Stryder. These guys are the most elite soldiers I have ever met, and according to what I’ve heard about you, you’re gonna fit right in. Although there is one problem...

Sergeant Rider: What’s that sir?

Major Michaels: Okay we have two problems. First off, don’t ‘sir’ me. I might be an officer but in this team we’re all equal. Secondly, when you were in Delta, you had a call sign obviously. What was it?

Sergeant Rider: ‘Ozone’.

Major Michaels: Alrighty then. Well when soldiers get moved to Titan Unit they have to undergo a few changes. For instance, you’re going to need a new call sign. Anybody have any ideas?

Midnight: Atmosphere?

Priest: Solar?

Stryder: Romeo?

Sergeant Rider: I’m leaning towards ‘Romeo’.

Major Michaels: Romeo it is! Now listen up Alpha. The Colonel wants us in the TOC for a mission briefing ASAP. Get your game faces on boys, we’re back in business!

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